Amber's Organizing - Tips

Now Browsing: Memorabilia

Letting Go of Memorabilia

Filed Under: Memorabilia

Whether you’re letting go of stuff, clutter, a negative thought, person, or dream, letting go is not easy. For some of us, pitching our old records or childhood doll is easy. For others, dismissing a thought or goal is easy. Keepsakes can be a challenge because they trigger fond memories from the past; that’s why we hang onto them. So how does someone let go? There’s not a simple clear cut answer but there are things we need to consider. What makes it possible, and what are things we can do or believe that will make the task ahead of…

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Organizing Photos

Filed Under: Memorabilia

Organizing 101: Pictures, Negatives, Digital Pictures Using a digital camera has its pros and cons. Even though technology usually makes things easier for us, there are always hurdles to jump. For my clients, it’s keeping up with all the pictures stored on their cameras and computer. What’s most likely to occur after taking tons of great vacation and family photos all summer or throughout the holiday season? The pictures will never leave the camera’s memory card or computer hard drive and most printed photos end up in card board boxes, show boxes, or in random piles in a plastic tub…

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  • Home Organizing

    We sort, declutter and organize any part of your home by including you in the process to teach organizing skills, create effective systems and provide home organization solutions.

  • Home Office Organizing

    If you work from home or keep track of your family’s paperwork, you will benefit from our home office organization services. We tackle daily paperwork, mail, memorabilia, and filing systems.