Amber's Organizing - Tips

Now Browsing: Garages

7  Quick Steps to Organize and Clean out your Garage this Spring

Filed Under: Garages

Springtime in Chicago is always cherished and welcomed after the bitter cold, dark winters we endure. Garages take a beating all winter from the cold and snow. It’s time to give them a little love come April or May. Here are seven tips to get you started in cleaning out the garage and clearing the clutter. Wash windows to let the long summer hours of sunshine in. Don’t block windows. Light is always good in dark, dingy spaces. So steer clear from stacking things in front of windows. Sweep the floor free of the leftover leaves, grime, and salt from the…

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Planning & Running Your Garage Sale

Filed Under: Garages

How to make a garage sale profitable and successful Ever tried selling your stuff by having a garage sale? If you haven’t and really want to try it or if you’ve tried but the sale failed, read on to find out what makes a garage sale successful. Without planning and preparation, your first garage might soon be called your last. Yes, you can actually make money but you must put time and effort into the sale. So, if you don’t have a full weekend to devote to the sale or if you don’t have help from your family or friends,…

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Organizing the Garage

Filed Under: Garages

Step by Step Tips to Clean out the Garage Start by setting aside a full day on your calendar to tackle the garage. Whichever family members have stuff in the garage, enlist and insist on their help. They must be present. Shop or schedule ahead of time to be prepared. Get garbage bags, boxes, or a dumpster, if necessary, so you’re ready for the major purge. Dress the part. The morning of, wear good gym shoes and clothes that can get a little dirty. Wear work gloves if you have them. Start sorting in your driveway, apron, or yard. Drag…

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