Our COVID-19 Commitment

Due to the current health pandemic, we have added some measures to protect you and protect us while organizing in your home.

  • All organizing will be limited to no more than two organizers in your home at a time.
  • All organizers are required to wear a mask in your home and garage.
  • All clients working alongside us in the same room or space are required to wear a mask.
  • We ask that no one other than your immediate family be present in your home or garage while we organize (i.e. please no nannies, home cleaners, grandparents, neighbors, etc.)
  • All organizers are responsible to arrive symptom free in the last 72 hours —No fever, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chills, muscle pain, sore throat.
  • All clients acknowledge that everyone in their household has been free of symptoms (same as above) at least 72 hours before we arrive.
  • We are committed to tracking and tracing where we have been to “catch” the spread of COVID-19.
  • When it is weather appropriate, opening windows and having fresh air while organizing will be encouraged.
  • We will not eat meals in your home/kitchen and will limit our personal belongings to just a purse.
  • Upon entering your home we will wash and/or sanitize our hands and put on shoe covers.
  • Home Organizing

    We sort, declutter and organize any part of your home by including you in the process to teach organizing skills, create effective systems and provide home organization solutions.

  • Home Office Organizing

    If you work from home or keep track of your family’s paperwork, you will benefit from our home office organization services. We tackle daily paperwork, mail, memorabilia, and filing systems.